make things possible
Many thanks to our Engineer's Week Dinner Sponsors below:

9th Annual Delco PSPE Golf Outing
When: Wednesday June 25, 2014
7:30 am light breakfast/register
8:30 am Shotgun Start
Where: Springfield Country Club
400 W. Sproul Road, Springfield
Cost: $125 indiv, $475 Foursome,
$100 Hole Sponsor,
$550 Hole Sponsor & Foursome
$ 35 Lunch Only
Additional Sponsorships Available
Contact: Nate Cline at 610-422-2453 or
* A Special Thanks to ASHE for a successful joint dinner meeting in May.
John Pickett, PE, AICP Memorial Video
Congratulations Delco PSPE Awardees:
Elaine Elbich, PE - 2014 Engineer of the Year
John E. Pickett, PE, AICP 2014 Lifetime Achievement Award (Honored Posthumously)
Christie M. Pace, PE, 2014 Young Engineer of the Year
2014 Engineering Scholarship Form
Engineering in the City Walking Tour
self-guided walking tour in Philadelphia
Daily Times Recognizes Delco Engineering over 75 Years